In statistical analyses and machine learning models, outliers are often deemed anomalies that disrupt the pursuit of clear patterns and accurate predictions. As a consequence, they are often eliminated or replaced with more “average” values to reduce their impacts on the overall results. In the pursuit of precision, this inclination to weed out values that skew results is understandable. Yet, outliers, particularly in medicine and the health sciences, can be very interesting and informative cases that offer a view into new discoveries and understanding of the intricacies of biology.

Biological systems are not governed by rigid rules of numbers. They are complex and adaptable in ways that we initially may not recognise. What may first appear to be an erroneous measurement can in reality be a fully valid and biologically informative adaptation to a particular challenge. Rather than being an “error”, these outliers may be a manifestation of nature’s ingenuity to create solutions that we haven’t yet appreciated.

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Furthermore, the intricate interplay between different biological systems can result in multiple individual components that independently appear “abnormal” but taken together serve as an alternative yet fully functional arrangement of processes. Oftentimes, these “exception” cases are the key to new breakthroughs. Thorough and unbiased evaluation can lead to discovery of previously unrecognized phenomena.

In the pursuit of knowledge, recognising that outliers can be the keyhole through which we illuminate a new discovery may expand the boundaries of our understanding more than adhering to trends and norms.

These exceptions could be exceptional, and rather than minimising them, affording them careful consideration may provide the most valuable insights.