aerial view of restaurant interior

Swiss Healthcare Startups Luncheon

We had the opportunity to network and exchange feedback with pharmaceutical, med-tech, and healthcare service provider companies from around Switzerland and beyond.  A stand-out dialog revolved around how to determine the highest impact targets from the multitude of factors that likely impact illnesses such as obesity, which probably represent a collection of pathologies rather than one single entity. […]

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brown and black abstract painting

World Quantum Day

This event provided interesting perspectives from industry players in North America and Europe on the advent of quantum computing. We are excited about the prospects of higher computational power applied to drug discovery and personalised medicine.  Quantum computing is, however, just as dependent on accurate, scalable solutions to produce high quality data as classical computing, if […]

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man standing beside another sitting man using computer

AI MedTech Founders event

This event hosted by the Center for AI in Medicine CAIM as part of the “Women Who Start Up” series brought together several women and men who have founded companies in the med-tech and AI health science space. A recurring theme highlighted how essential strategy is—not just for business development—but a robust plan for product […]

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