Highlighting Rare Disease

The premature passing of rugby legend Rob Burrow as a consequence of motor neuron disease, one of far too many rare and not-so-rare incurable illnesses, is a reminder of how much remains to be done therapeutically to provide all people the chance at a reasonable quality and duration of life.  Millions of people still suffer from […]

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GenAI in the Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry is enveloped in excitement around applying GenAI to accelerate drug discovery and introduction of new therapeutics to the market. As summarised by McKinsey & Co and others, AI implementation across life science domains from early research and discovery to clinical development and regulatory to operations, commercial, and medical affairs, to post-market surveillance […]

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Opening the door to better health at lower cost

By approving equal financing of medical treatments regardless of where the treatment takes place, the Swiss parliament has opened the door to considerable potential savings in health care provision while maintaining or improving quality, not by changing reimbursement amounts, but by aligning stakeholder interests conducive to efficiency and cost savings.  SRF article: https://www.srf.ch/news/schweiz/einheitliche-finanzierung-das-parlament-wagt-die-grosse-gesundheitsreform By altering […]

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Advancing next-generation vaccines at ETHZ

One of the most demanding and critical challenges of developing an effective new vaccine is selecting the element of the pathogen that the vaccine will target. If one chooses a target that isn’t appropriately accessible to the immune system then immune system cells won’t properly identify the pathogen to fight it.  If instead one chooses a […]

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“How” and “what” to program

In the science and technology sectors, a common question that is asked of job applicants or company employees is “Do you know how to program?”. Despite the apparent simplicity of this question, it glosses over an equally important question: “Do you know what to program?”. Knowing how to program and what to program are two distinct skills, […]

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Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco California

Bridging the Divergence Between AI Advancement and Implementation

The second challenge in AI implementation, especially within the health sector, highlighted at the Intelligent Health AI conference revolves around the growing disparity between the rapid evolution of AI technologies and the readiness of users to effectively integrate them. In the corporate world, there is a swifter adoption of data-driven approaches, leading to enhanced productivity. […]

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bridging human and artificial intelligence

The Journey from Digital Data to Effective Utilisation

Addressing the pressing challenges underscored at the Intelligent Health AI conference, the foremost hurdle in ushering in big data- and AI-driven drug discovery and healthcare delivery lies in bridging the chasm between digitised health data and its effective utilisation.  This conundrum becomes especially pronounced when dealing with the vast reservoirs of real-world medical data collected […]

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Intelligent Health 2023, Basel

It was an interesting and packed two days at Intelligent Health Sept 13-14, 2023 in Basel! The conference brought together stakeholders across pharma, biotech, medtech, consulting, academia, health-tech organisations, and health care administration to exchange perspectives, insights, and examples in the digital transformation and AI-powered advancement of health and life sciences. One consensus view was […]

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a close up of a typewriter with the word truth on it

Navigating the Complex Notion of Truth in Medicine

In the realm of medicine, the pursuit of “truth” is a multifaceted challenge shaped by varying perspectives and biological complexities. Defining the “right answer” in medicine is therefore not a straightforward task, as it encompasses a dynamic interplay of factors that don’t always conform to conventional metrics and standard definitions. Furthermore, you can only attempt […]

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