Effective study design, project coordination, and data management are increasingly important to the successful execution of research. With rising competition for funding, leverage our expertise to achieve your project goals within budget and secure your ongoing funding success.

I. Project conception and funding

Defining the research question, appropriate study methodologies, and required skills to execute a project lay the foundation for successful and impactful research. Capitalise on our expertise to design an impactful study with thorough methodologies and strategies to deal with foreseen and unforeseen difficulties that arise in research. We can also assist with grant writing.

II. Project management

Effective biomedical research requires a range of knowledge and skills to execute a project from study design through data collection and analysis to results interpretation. We combine expertise in medicine, research, data science, and project management to support you at specific stages or through all steps of your project to enable smooth execution and maximise the impact of your study.

III. Data and analytics

Advanced analytical approaches like machine learning and statistical modelling have the potential to revolutionise research discovery. However, these powerful approaches require high quality datasets which ideally are large and diverse. They cannot themselves correct biases, inconsistencies, and conflicting or missing documentation inherent in real world health data: their outputs are only as good as the data they receive. We employ modular, advanced data science approaches to efficiently generate the highest quality datasets of assimilated, standardised, multimodal data for maximal knowledge gain and research output while saving you time and resources.

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